Wester Hailes
Wester Hailes is a group seven council estates in the south west of Edinburgh. There are several community growing projects in the area, Wester Hailes Growing Communities have set up three neighbourhood gardens, in the Calders, Clovenstone and Murrayburn & Hailesland. WHALE Arts have a community garden, and The Health Agency have a community garden supporting mental health in the Calders.
Wester Hailes Growing Communities also deliver ‘school farms’ at local primary schools and are working to develop a Community Park in the Greenway between Murrayburn & Hailesland.
Projects in this neighbourhood

Canal View School Farm
We have developed a pilot school farm project at Canal View Primary School which we intend to promote across the city.

Clovenstone Neighbourhood Garden
The Clovenstone neighbourhood garden project started in 2016. The garden has raised beds for up to 35 growers, a community orchard and a big community shed which is shared by the growers.

Murrayburn & Hailesland Neighbourhood Garden
The Neighbourhood Garden is a place for folk to come togethe …