
Community Garden Development Officer

Edible Estates are recruiting a Community Garden development officer for the Growing Together Project. 

Edible Estates is a not-for-profit which establishes community gardens and the greenspace projects in Edinburgh’s council estates. In 2022, we were awarded a contract by Edinburgh Council to support existing gardens and establish new gardens in estates which do not have them.

The purpose of the role is to engage with communities to encourage and support participation of residents in community gardens/ growing projects in council estates across Edinburgh. Build the capacity of new and existing community garden groups to manage their gardens through good organisational practice. Provide remedial support to groups where required where policies and relationships have deteriorated. Support the positive contribution community gardens can make to their wider communities through event and services.

To be clear, the role does not include teaching participants how to grow food, designing or building community gardens, these roles are delivered by other members of the team

Contract: 35 hours p/w (optional part time) fixed term contract until December 2025 (extension subject to funding)

Salary: £28,000 – £32,677 (dependant upon experience)

Please see the full job description: Community Garden Development Officer JD Nov 24

Please complete the application form here: CGDO Application Form Dec 2024

Send the completed application form to

Closing date: 9am on Monday 20th January

Interviews: w/c 27th January


Community Gardeners

Edible Estates are often looking to hire Community Gardener/s, either sessional or PAYE, to deliver workshops at community garden sites across Edinburgh. This is particularly the case during the growing season but less so during the quieter winter months. It may be one workshop/week or several, depending upon the availability of applicants.  For sessional (self-employed) work we would pay a rate of £20/hour for suitable qualified/experienced candidates.

Please get in touch if you would like to be part of the team and we’ll get back to you when an opportunity arises.  Job Description,  Application Form.  For more information email

Volunteer & Work Experience

If you would like to volunteer/work experience at Edible Estates, you can find more detail on our volunteer page or please contact us using