Craigmillar Growers


Craigmillar Growers

Craigmillar Growers is a project of the Community Alliance Trust, our goal is to set up a network of community growing sites across Craigmillar which will be maintained by a volunteer growing team of local residents.  Fruit and vegetables grown at the gardens will be distributed between the growers, used for community meals and given away to local good causes.

We have started with sites at the Whitehouse and at Bristo Memorial Church, over the coming years we will identify more sites, small and large, which can be turned over to food growing.  We are always looking for local folk to help with the construction of the gardens and to volunteer time as growers. We will provide training and tools.

Supporting a sense of community and inclusion is as important to us as growing food. We will hold regular community meals (with the food grown and cooked by volunteers) at Bristo Church Hall which are open to the whole community.

The project is for folk who would like to:

  • Grow fruit and veg for themselves and their local community
  • take part in regular shared community meals
  • Help set up a local food system
  • Be out in the fresh air and get some exercise
  • Be part of a community project
  • Be around other folk in a positive, safe and supportive environment.

We are pleased to be working in partnership with Bristo Memorial Church and Craigmillar Food Bank.  The church have made their grounds available for growing food, and the hall available for events and shared community meals.  We are working with Craigmillar Food Bank towards supplying the bank with fresh vegetables, encouraging their clients to participate in the food growing and community meals.

Lead organisation

