Invitation to Tender: Murrayburn & Hailesland Greenway Community Hub

October 6, 2021

South West Edible Estates invite interested parties to tender for a Feasibility Study, Business Plan, and Architect Feasibility Study.


South West Edible Estates is a community organisation (two tier SCIO), set up to support the development of community growing projects in the south west of Edinburgh. We started in Wester Hailes, and now have three neighbourhood gardens there. We also deliver outdoor play workshops for children, training and work experience projects for young adults, and school farm projects at the local primary schools.We wish to investigate the viability of developing a community hub at the Murrayburn & Hailesland Greenway to support community activities for the neighbourhoods of Dumbryden, Murrayburn & Hailesland, and compliment the Neighbourhood Garden which we have built there.SWEE is incorporated as a two tier SCIO, our intention would be to own and manage the hub on behalf of the local community. The study would amongst other goals scope the project requirements, develop designs and develop a business plan for developing running the hub.

The Site

We have identified a site adjacent to the Greenway running between  the Murrayburn and Hailesland neighbourhoods. The site is approximately 525m2, it is owned by the City of Edinburgh Council. The site is nearby to the neighbourhood garden which SWEE have constructed in the Greenway. The Council have indicated that they would be supportive of the development.

Greenway Community Hub

Our aspirations for Greenway Community Hub (working title) result from the community projects which SWEE has delivered over the past five years in Dumbryden, Murrayburn & Hailesland (DMH). DMH is a community of approx 1,200 households. We have supported local residents to set up Murrayburn & Hailesland Community Park Association (M&HCPA), and established a neighbourhood garden in the large area of greenspace between Murrayburn & Hailesland.Despite it’s size and need in the community (SIMD 0-5%), DMH does not have its own community centre or similar resource. Whilst the neighbourhood garden has a community shed, and a second shed to support play activities for local children, neither have a toilet, electrical/water services, or insulation.  The Greenway Community Hub would be a community hub which would work in tandem with the neighbourhood garden to support local community cohesion, resilience, and capacity building. The feasibility study would investigate what functions and facilities the hub could provide, but it would include at a minimum:

  • A room for meetings, meals and events for residents of Dumbryden, Murrayburn & Hailesland;
  • A small kitchen;
  • Toilet and washing facilities for the neighbourhood garden and children’s activities.

We would also be interested in opportunities to establish a community workshop at the site, and perhaps a larger community enterprise catering kitchen/cafe.The project would require the long term lease or purchase of the site, and the funds to build and establish the hub. The building would have low running costs, opportunities for revenue raising through renting for events, and be secured by shutters at night.

Purpose of the Contract

The aim of this commission is to explore the feasibility of the development of the community hub as outlined above.In particular, to provide a Feasibility Study and then Business Plan in support of asset transfer application and subsequent funding applications for purchase and redevelopment. In order to do this, we require the following.

Feasibility Study & Business Plan
  1. Delivery of in depth community consultation to ensure that the community in the immediate area are driving the proposal and future development of the project.
  2. Consideration of the needs of our community and how this project can help meet these needs.
  3. Development of appropriate business models to ensure there are income streams that will sustain the building beyond initial grant funding.
  4. Preparation of a design brief for the building to inform the Architect Feasibility Study.
  5. Preparation of a funding plan for purchase & construction of the building.
  6. Production of a robust 5 year business plan.
  7. Production of a market valuation of the site. This will required to be carried out by a company who are willing to update the valuation remotely at a future date to suit the timescales of the Scottish Land Fund, and who are acceptable to Edinburgh Council.
Architect Feasibility Study
  1. Architects concept design (RIBA stages 0-2 ) to articulate the vision of the client and community.
  2. Quantity surveyor’s works cost estimate.
  3. Running costs estimate.
  4. Production of an Architect Feasibility Study identifying the preferred design solution, any development constraints requiring further investigation and likely project costs, including VAT and fees.

It is likely that a fee of circa £15,000 will be attributable to these works inclusive of all VAT and expenses.

Key Skills
  • Working with community organisations involved in owning and managing assets.
  • Preparing business plans to be used in support of funding and asset transfer applications.
  • Experience of the Scottish Land Fund and preparation of Feasibility and Business Planning work in a format that will support a Stage 2 application.
  • In depth understanding of communities in an urban setting such as Wester Hailes.
  • Experience of business development and localised / community economic development.
  • Experience of working with a range of funders.
  • Experience of appointing an architectural design team to produce an Architect Feasibility Study.

Outputs required are:

  1. A five year business plan for community ownership and development of the Janitor’s house site.
  2. An independent valuation
  3. An Architects Feasibility Study
  4. Communications, advice and support, including preparation of reports and appropriate illustrative material, to assist the client in:
  • Communicating proposals to all interested parties.
  • Engaging in consultation with the local community and other relevant  stakeholders
  • Identifying and applying to funding sources.
Management and Outputs of the Contract.

The commission will be managed by Greig Robertson, Director of SWEE.

  • Two hard copies of the draft and final business plans will be required, as well as in electronic format.
  • A summary of the business plan, less than two A4 pages in size, will be provided for the purpose of informing the public.
  • The information gathered during the commission, including draft and final reports, shall remain the sole property of SWEE.
Remuneration and Conditions

The work will be offered as a fixed-term fixed-cost contract, dependent on SWEE securing funding from the Scottish Land Fund.The successful candidate/s will be self-employed and responsible for his/her own tax and personal insurance. A payment schedule may also be agreed at project inception.

Procedures for Tendering

The response to this brief must be submitted by email on or before 5pm on 15/10/2021 to:

Greig Robertson, South West Edible Estates,

South West Edible Estates may be contacted in advance of this deadline with any queries relative to the tender.

Submissions should include:

  • Name, contact details and background of the lead consultant
  • Breakdown of costs for conducting this study, including number of days allocated per task, all fees, expenses, charges, meetings, presentations and interviews, including VAT.
  • A timetable showing the various milestones including the anticipated dates of submission of draft and final reports (actual timescales to be agreed at Project Inception dependent on award of funding).
  • Examples of similar tasks/studies undertaken recently
  • The skills and knowledge of the members of the team
  • Two names of contacts from two separate organisations for whom similar work has been undertaken.

Submissions will be evaluated on a quality/price basis (80:20) and will include the following:

  1.  Understanding of the brief;
  2. Methodology and approach;
  3. Skills and experience of the team;
  4. Partnership working
  5. Price

Submissions will be reviewed by a judging panel made up of local residents drawn from the committee of Murrayburn & Hailesland Community Park Association, and Greig Robertson, Director of South West Edible Estates.If required, a short list of candidates may be invited for Zoom interviews formatted as a short presentation and Q&A. We would aim to inform the successful Tender by the 25/10/2021.