If you want to flex your green fingers and learn how to prepare, sow, grow and harvest your very own crops, we have a 4-week ‘Grow Your Own’ beginner’s course to get you started! Alongside Alan and Steve, you’ll learn everything from what conditions are needed for healthy crops and how to cultivate your soil, to when best to harvest your crops. You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience, just the desire to learn how to garden! Sessions will run at the following gardens and times:
Murrayburn & Hailesland Community Garden:
Saturday – 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th June at 1pm
Calders Greenshoots Community Garden:
Wednesday 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th June at 6:30pm
To book your place contact alan@westerhailesgrowing.org / 07999734776
Other upcoming events and workshops…
Wester Hailes Growing Communities: Community Meal
Wester Hailes Growing Communities: Community Food Workshops