School Farm
School Farm was developed as an method to create meaningful and sustainable links between Edible Estates neighbourhood gardens and local schools. When we proposed School Farm to schools, we found that there was demand from the schools for varied and cross-curricular opportunities for learning, as well as the benefits to pupils emotional well-being and development that being outdoors can bring.
The aims of School Farm are to teach children to grow fruit and vegetables and tie this into the school curriculum, providing practical experience of topics the children are learning in the classroom, and real-world applications for pupils’ skills – including website building, design, teamwork, construction and communication, as well as gardening.
School Farm also provides non curriculum activities where the children can learn practical skills, learn to work in a team, communicate with their peers, take responsibility and a place where everyone is equal. The Farm provides valuable outdoor time and hands-on learning experiences for pupils who struggle in the classroom.
We started a pilot project with Canal View Primary School in 2017. We provide two school farm gardeners who work with four P6 and P7 classes once a week throughout the school year. We have established a farm site on the school grounds, including a large polytunnel, lots of growing beds and a shed for storing tools. The pupils are taught and supported to grow fruit and vegetables at the farm. Working with the gardeners and their teachers, the pupils have devised project goals which include cooking meals for the school, and an enterprise project grow produce to sell to raise income.
For more information about School Farm, contact
Greig Robertson.
0781 729 2464